Ski for life

The Ski for life series comprises five popular big cross-country skiing races in the Czech Republic. Each of them has its unique history, a specific charm, a unique race track, and scenery. The races are meant for the widest public and offer sports to everybody regardless of age and performance limitations, and all children (except Krkonošská 70) are welcome. Besides the perfectly prepared trail and the amazing atmosphere, there is an unrivaled service for both racers on the trail and in the background, and there is an interesting connected program for families with children.
Come racing or cheering!
STRABAG Ve stopě Zlaté lyže | 20. 1. 2018 |
Jilemnická 50 ZP MV ČR | 27. 1. 2018 |
Karlův běh České spořitelny | 10. 2. 2018 |
ČT Šumavský skimaraton | 24. 2. 2018 |
Krkonošská 70 LAWI | 3. 3. 2018 |